Blog - Arizona

Flagstaff, Arizona – January 2012

I keep promising myself I’ll get at least a post a month, and then the end of the month rolls around, and I feel pressured..hey, at least it keeps me going. I realize I’m now most of 3.5 years behind (let’s call it “throwback thursday” forever, not that I post on Thursdays, or any given day), but the last year or two has really had very little that will be postable, so I still swear I’ll catch up someday…

Anyway, winter turned to spring turned to almost freaking summer instantly, and then today dropped 40 degrees. Thanks, weather. It’s still terrifyingly green around here. I guess we get green, or white, with a brief splash of fall color, and little more. No big things happening, no big things coming up, though I *will* be going backpacking in California in August – hooray! That said, in January 2012, Nathan and I went out to Arizona for a few days…

But which way should we *go* ??

Flagstaff and Grand Canyon, January 2012

Arizona – March 2009, Part the Third and Last

After leaving the national monuments, we headed east, to Petrified Forest National Park. We backpacked one night in the wilderness northern portion of the park (the part north of I-40, more or less, which the park straddles), and then walked around in that area for a bit, before returning to our cars and heading south to the southern parts of the park, before heading to Phoenix for our final night in Arizona, before all heading home.


Onwards, to take a tour of more petrified things

Arizona – Part the Second, A Brief Interlude – March 2009

After we headed out of the Grand Canyon (March 27), our primary next goal was the Petrified Forest National Park, but we took the opportunity to stop in a couple of locations along the way – Wupatki National Monument and Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument. The first is the site of a large pueblo, and the latter is, well, a crater. Both were quite impressive, well worth a stop.

Standing on the sign.

To the Monuments

Arizona – March 2009: Part 1 – Grand Canyon

I’d wanted to go out to Arizona for quite some time, with the primary goal to be seeing the Grand Canyon. Short of stopping through Phoenix airport, and the tiny corner of the state you drive through to get to Zion, I’d never even been in Arizona at all before. Erin and I drove out on March 25, 2009. We met up with Alex, Beth, and Dave just south of the Grand Canyon. We spent two (cold) nights camping there, doing a day hike in the canyon. We then drove out to Petrified Forest National Park, stopping on the way to check out the Wupatki Pueblo and the Sunset Crater National Monuments. We spent one night camping in the Painted Desert in Petrified Forest, then checked out a bunch of sights in the southern side of the park before heading back to Phoenix. We spent one night there, before Erin and I drove back to CA and Alex, Beth and Dave flew off to their respective homes.

the canyon, oh yes.

Part the First : Grand Canyon


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